LinkIQ-Importieren von Ergebnissen auf LinkWare-PC
Use the provided USB-C cable to connect PC to LinkIQ and import saved results into the LinkWare PC software application. Some users have reported that while they have saved results in memory in LinkIQ, when they attempt to import them to LinkWare PC, they see No Test Data to Import in the import window.
Things to check:
- Is LinkWare PC version 11,1 or later installed? (You can download it here.)
- Is LinkIQ running the latest software version? (You can download it here.)
- Damaged USB cable? Try a different USB cable and/or USB port
- Restart LinkIQ and try the import again
- Reboot the PC, restart LinkWare PC, reconnect LinkIQ with USB cable and try the import again
What else?
- VPN must not be running
- LinkIQ should be on the Home screen
- Try connecting in Utilities, LinkIQ, Software version
- Try connecting in File, Import From, LinkIQ, or Import Connected Tester button