Hinweis: You may find it easier to do this in LinkWare. For instructions on creating an IP address ping list with LinkWare, see the following knowledge base article: Create an IP ping list with LinkWare
The DTX-NSM can store up to 23 IP Addresss in the Target Address ping list.
To Manually configure the IP Address Ping List in the DTX CableAnalyzer:
Turn the dial to SETUP on the DTX CableAnalyzer.
Highlight > Network Settings > press ENTER.
Highlight > Target Addresses > press ENTER.
The Target Addresses window will display.
Press F1Create.
Highlight Name > press ENTER.
Name the IP address > press SAVE.
Highlight > IP Address > press ENTER.
Enter the IP address > press SAVE.
Press SAVE again.
The IP Address is now in the ping list.
Press the F1 button > Create to add additional IP addresses.
You can Edit or Delete each of the IP addresses in the DTX CableAnalyzer. You can also add new IP addresses to the existing list.
To ping the Target IP address list:
Turn the Dial to MONITOR > highlight Network Connectivity > press TEST. The Ping option is now available.

One or all IP Addresses can be Pinged or Ping All

To save the ping results, press SAVE
Additional information:
Ping results are saved as part of the connectivity results.
Since ping requests are low-priority traffic, devices may not respond to all requests.
To evaluate ping times, you should compare current results with results taken when the network was operating normally.