900 MHz-Testen - DTX CableAnalyzer

If you have a need to test to 1 GHz (1.000 MHz), please look to the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer.

For owners of the DTX-1800 who wish to carry out 900 MHz testing, you will need to set the CableAnalyzer up accordingly.
You will need DTX Version 2,74 or later for your DTX CableAnalyzer.
Enabling this option will extend the frequency of the test selected. It does not change the limit line of the selected standard. 

Selected Standard

Store Plot Data




TIA Cat 5e Perm. Verkabelungsstrecke

No Plot Data

100 MHz

350 MHz

TIA Cat 6 Perm. Verkabelungsstrecke

No Plot Data

250 MHz

350 MHz

TIA Cat 6A Perm. Verkabelungsstrecke

No Plot Data

500 MHz

900 MHz

ISO11801 PL max Class D

No Plot Data

100 MHz

350 MHz

ISO11801 PL max Class E

No Plot Data

250 MHz

350 MHz

ISO11801 PL max Class EA

No Plot Data

500 MHz

900 MHz

ISO11801 PL max Class F*

No Plot Data

600 MHz

900 MHz

ISO11801 PL max Class FA*

No Plot Data

600 MHz

900 MHz


No Plot Data

500 MHz

900 MHz


No Plot Data

900 MHz

900 MHz


*DTX-1800 only. Class FA  field testing is to 600 MHz only per EC 61935-1
This is also true for Channel measurements.
The feature is found by rotating the dial on the DTX CableAnalyzer to SETUP and selecting Instrument Settings.
Why doesnt Category 6 / Class E run to 900 MHz on Extended?
These standards are available in the DTX-1200, a 350 MHz tester. The concept behind Extended is to run the maximum frequency whilst keeping it simple. Extended on the DTX-1200 and DTX-1800 is the same for the sake of simplicity. Have an opinion? Please use the feedback link below and tell us what you are being asked to do.