Software Update DSP-100 CableMeter

Bemerkung: Category 5e and higher requires ACR-F and PS ACR-F; the DSP-100 CableMeter is not capable of making these measurements. If you need to certify to category 5e, please take a look at the DTX CableAnalyzer. If all you need to do is to qualify that your existing links will support 1000BASE-T, the CableIQ may be a better choice.

So überprüfen sie ihre aktuelle software-/firmware-version 

  • Connect the main and remote unit together
  • Power on the remote unit.
  • On the main unit, rotate the dial to Autotest. You will see the software / firmware version for both the main and remote units.

Durch herunterladen neuer software wird die aktuell im messgerät gespeicherte software überschrieben. Es besteht keine Möglichkeit, auf die alte Version der Software zurückzugreifen.
Das herunterladen neuer software löscht alle aktuell im messgerätespeicher gespeicherten daten. To prevent an unexpected loss of battery power to the test tool or remote, connect the battery charger to the test tool and the remote during the downloading process.

Install the latest version of the   utility on your PC.

Aktualisieren der Haupteinheit
You need to get the latest version of firmware from the website, click here.

Once you have downloaded the file dsp_55.exe, run it from Windows Explorer. It will extract two files (dsp_55.dsp & sr_55.dsp) to the C:\Cblmgr directory. Schließen Sie das Instrument mit einem 9-9-poligen PC-Schnittstellenkabel an den PC an. Starten Sie Linkware auf dem PC.

Click on Utilties > DSP-100/2000 CableMeter > Software Update.

 When prompted for the location of the software update source file, enter the path to the C:\Cblmgr on your C drive; select dsp_55.dsp; then click on Open. Wenn die Messgerätesoftware installiert ist, schließen Sie das PC-Schnittstellenkabel an der Remote-Einheit an und schalten Sie die Remote-Einheit ein.

Remote Einheit aktualisieren
In the LinkWare window, click on Utilties > DSP-100/2000 CableMeter > Software Update. Select the file sr_55.dsp as the software update source file for the remote; then click on Open to install the new software in your remote. Der Aktualisierungsvorgang ist damit abgeschlossen.

Lets also check the instrument out as well.
Connect the two units together using the 15 cm (6 inch) cable1 below. If the cable is longer than 15 cm (6 inch), it will not allow you to run the Self Calibration.

Run the Self Calibration in SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. If it comes back PASS, youre ready to go. 

Self Test fails
Regrettably, the DSP-100 is no longer a repairable item as of January 2006. We try to maintain service for an instrument 5 years after it's last date of manufacture - as in the case of the DSP-100. We would like to keep you as a Fluke Networks customer. Please let us know how we can do this at