Cable Installers Report Losing over $30,000 (USD) per year* on Certification Issues.
How Much do These Issues Cost You?

Installers waste, on average, over 56 hours a month dealing with the problems below*. That can turn profitable jobs into unprofitable ones. How many hours did your team waste in the last month on each of these issues?

Problem:Industry Average:Hours you Spent:
Copper cables are tested with wrong limits and have to be retested.4.3
Cable ID’s in the reports don’t match the specs and need to be manually edited.3.2
Test results are stored in multiple testers which have to be hunted down and the results consolidated.3.1
Teams have to wait for one of your lead techs to set up the tester for copper.2.9
Evaluating OTDR traces to ensure loss is within budget.2.9
Fiber cables are tested with wrong limits and have to be retested.2.8
Troubleshooting one or more negative loss results.2.8
Teams have to wait for one of your lead techs to troubleshoot copper problems.2.7
Customers need time and help to understand reports before approving them.2.7
Misunderstandings with customers about results that are actually OK and we have to explain them.2.5
Teams have to wait for one of your lead techs to troubleshoot fiber problems.2.5
Problems setting the fiber reference.2.4
Combining multiple test result types (copper, fiber tier 1, fiber tier 2, loss, OTDR) into a single report.2.4
You're generating a report and you discover not all the links were tested, and a crew has to return to the site to finish the job.2.3
Teams have to consult with technical support from a cable or connector manufacturer.2.3
Reports have to be reworked because they are incomplete.2.3
Teams have to wait for one of your lead techs to set up the tester for fiber.2.1
Tests from another job get into the report by mistake and have to be removed.1.8
Total Hours Per Month56.2
* Fluke Networks study of 1,110 Cable Installers worldwide.

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